Monday, November 17, 2008

My Leaky Little Boat

Ugh. Just one of those weekends. Felt like I was bailing from start to finish. Wash this, scrub that, stop for Tai Chi class, tote that barge, lift that bale, run to this part of town, now run back to the other end, and did you forget to do this – oh, crap – run back to the beginning and start all over again.

Then I slept in until 10 on Sunday morning. Missss-take. I felt like I’d wasted a bunch of my weekend. MY weekend, and the Sand Man is just frittering it away.

And it wasn’t like I ever got that boat even close to bailed. No matter how much I accomplished, I was still up to my knees in the briney stuff. Bailing with a teacup.

And I did. I got a lot accomplished. My house is cleaner than it’s been in months. I fulfilled obligations – social and familial. Hell, I even baked a freaking apple crisp. Still. It’s just never enough.

Plus, I feel like I behaved like a nut job all weekend. My energy was all over the place. I was like a mad thing, bail, bail, bail, bail. Waaaaaaaaaa! Running around like a loon. What about this? What about this? And this, and this, and this, and this. I despise feeling crazed.

I just need to chill out. Get my focus back. Unblock my chi. Either stick a finger in the hole, or just accept that the damn boat is just going to leak. Be at peace with it. You know. Relax.

Oh, crap. That's another thing I forgot to do this weekend.


WashingtonGardener said...

I KNOW that feeling - but the worst is when you ran around all day or weekend and NOTHING ever really did get done just a lot of half-done things that are hanging there - and that way you'll NEVER relax.

FirePhrase said...

Truly, the worst. Sometimes it feels better when you just give up and say, "I don't care what else needs to be done. All I'm going to do is take a nap." Mission accomplished.

TIME: Quotes of the Day