- You are a reasonable person, and if he explains his point of view just a little bit more you will agree with him.
- You are slightly stupid, and if he explains his point of view in words of one syllable you will agree with him.
- You are slightly deaf, and if he shouts a little louder you will agree with him.
- You are just a plain evil mother-f***er and even though you know he’s right, you will never publicly agree with him and will do anything possible to destroy his way of life, puppies and the American Constitution.
Lots of shouty people out there my friends. And it’s easy to get lured into their shouting matches. I think the only recourse for the rest of us is to remember how lovely it can be to have a conversation with someone with different ideas, perhaps over a refreshing beverage and light snacks. To explore an idea, maybe reaffirm your opinion, maybe learn something new. And even if you come to agree to disagree, you still walk away thinking what a nice person you conversed with, and aren’t they an interesting thinker. And not just an evil mother-f***er.