Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bit says "Yes" . . . or "No"

I'm kind of concerned that the villain of the new Tron: Legacy is Clu. One, because it leads to a continuity problem in that Clu was killed by the Master Control Program in the first movie in a tank wreck. Second, because I know that Clu was killed by the Master Control Program in the first movie in a tank wreck.

Why do I have this information, and why is it readily accessible? What important bit of information am I not able to hold (the year the Civil War ended, the atomic number of gold, how to insert a trach tube) because I've got decades old movie trivia floating in my brain? Why am I not able recite Shakespeare sonnets, but I can quote freely and liberally from Big Trouble in Little China?

Honestly, if I could go in there and just do a little brain clean up. Delete some old files. Then run a good defrag. Imagine how much memor I could free up. I could be a freaking genius. Instead I have cluttering up the file structure things like "Great! Another mouth to feed." "yesyesyesyesyes!" Aaaggghhhh! Delete!

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TIME: Quotes of the Day