Monday, July 19, 2010

Amy Adams as Janis

Seriously? Amy Adams?

Hollywood can officially kiss my ass. What's next? Jennifer Anniston as Mama Cass?

Not to slight Amy Adams. I like her fine. But unless she can throw down some serious Charlize Theron/Monster action, this dog just won't hunt.


victory4angela said...

I like Amy Adams too, but she is no Janis Joplin. Hollywood has got this one wrong for sure.

FirePhrase said...

Perhaps Amy has hidden depths. Maybe I'll be surprised. But if all they have her do is gain 10 pounds and wear a fake nose, I'll be seriously peeved. Janis was who she was because she wasn't the pretty pop star. Her life was messy. Her voice was messy. And if they offer up some uglied-up-for-the Oscar, half-assed version of her life, may the vultures pick at their bones.

WashingtonGardener said...

I thought they had Janis already cast or is this ANOTHER competing biopic? After "Miss Pettigrew" I'm definitely willing to give Amy a chance but I need to hear who is directing/writing this

FirePhrase said...

I've heard somebody from the Twilight lineage is behind this one. Not a good sign, as far as I'm concerned. I'm still a booster for Kelly Clarkson as Janis. A good fit on a lot of levels. Not the least of which is that she's actually from Texas, and I wouldn't have to listen to another half-baked Texas by the way of Atlanta accent.

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