Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I’ve complained elsewhere about the Quizno’s commercial that depicts a sandwich shop worker and the love that dare not speak its name that he shares with a burly toaster oven. Frankly, you don’t need to be a strict Freudian to get that commercial. And I don’t even want to think about that sort of thing going on near my turkey and Swiss. Get a room, you two.

But last night, I saw one more in a trend of commercials that I don’t think even qualifies as naughty. Naughty implies something being snuck past you. This commercial is like an elephant tiptoeing. The ad depicts a man at a drive through requesting 99 Jack-in-the-Box tacos for 2 cents. Ha, ha. How droll. Strike that and reverse it, Mr. Wonka. The commercial makes sense when you see the guy isn’t half baked – he’s fully baked. Flambéed. Toastier than Quizno’s buns. Not subtle.

And hey. I get it. I’ve always said that if the DEA wanted to wipe out pot usage in the US they’d just have to set up a checkpoint sweep outside the late night drive thru at Jack-in-the-Crack. You got tacos? Pull over, mister. The only reason you’d want Jack tacos is if you’ve been blowing a cloud. Nasty stuff those tacos. At 99 for 2 pennies, they would be radically over-priced. But the munchies want what the munchies want. And potheads aren’t exactly known for their Cordon Bleu level standards.

Don’t get me wrong. I like a little sly humor. But this isn’t double entendre. It’s a quarter entendre with a two-footed landing at best. I’m just saying, step it up, people. I’m old. And if I’m getting the sex and drug jokes, you are behind the times. How are the young folks supposed to enjoy the counter-culture riff if people their parents ages are getting it? Come on. Try harder. Do it for the kids.


WashingtonGardener said...

I liked this one -- thought JitB finally smartened up and was marketing directly to their niche of pothead teen boys. They stopped pretending pr making hints as BK and Taco Bell do -- they just came right out and laud it on the line, if you are high - we got the grub for you. Classy.

FirePhrase said...

I do have to admit that Jack was never going to change my opinion about their food, so they didn't need to waste any advertising dollars on me.

Last night I saw a commercial about a melon flavored booze that's tag line was "Grab some melons!" What?! Now if they're going to do that, I want back my "Grab a heinie" t-shirt.

TIME: Quotes of the Day