Thursday, May 28, 2009

Father Cutie Watch: Update

In a surprise move, Father C. went Catholic Lite. Color me shocked. I didn't even know it was trade season. Who do you suppose they got? Some of those Episcopalians are still pissed about the gay thing. Maybe they got an archbishop and two virgin novitiates to be named at a later date.

And I could point out, he's still cute out of uniform. But, come on, not as cute.


WashingtonGardener said...

he also looks a bit "puffy" now
I'm surprised the "Disco Aliens" as my friend EB calls her church would accept and want him - he smells like Trouble in my book

FirePhrase said...

I kind of wonder if it wasn't a publicity ploy from the Episcopalians. They seem to get a lot of Catholic refugees, all the liturgy but only half the restrictions.

But you're dead right. I wouldn't want him as my pastor. If he'd stayed the course, decided he wanted something different, joined another church, THEN fooled around it would be one thing. Basically, he cheated on his church. And you know what they say - once a cheater. . .

victory4angela said...

During the entire Thornbirds movie, my mom complained that Father Ralph should convert to Episcopalian so those two crazy kids could finally be together.

Next week he'll be a Methodist. Just wait and see.

FirePhrase said...

Then Father Ralph turned out to be gay. Was I the only one who didn't guess on Richard Chamberlain? Flew completely under my gaydar.

I'm going to guess if he jumps again, he'll go hardcore atheist. Then a big return of faith. He's just that kind of drama queen.

TIME: Quotes of the Day