Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whoa those summer nights

My overall policy is: If you bitch about the cold in the winter (which I do), you should not whine about the heat in the summer. And generally, I’m successful. I actually like heat. I find the occasional good sweat to be very detoxifying.

But I’m just not ready for summer yet this year. I’m cringing at the thought of 100 and humid. I don’t want to have to run the air conditioner. I don’t want to put on sun block and a hat. I’m just not ready for it.

And for once, Texas weather is playing nice. We’re still getting regular rains and days that don’t go over 90. That’s a real reprieve for this area. There have been years when June has been full bore, Schwetty balls to the wall summer already. Mother Nature is being sweet this year.

But it’s coming. I know it’s coming. The cool nights won’t last. Sigh.


WashingtonGardener said...

I agree - you should pick your season and stick with it - I hate cold and windy -- wet and hot I can handle.

FirePhrase said...

I don't know what my deal is this year. Usually I'm a summer girl all the way. But I need a few more weeks of spring this year. Of course, spring in Dallas is like summer in Michigan.

victory4angela said...

My AC has been off and on more than once already. It was off all weekend, but once the temp hit 85 it was back on again. I can handle warm and sunny - not wet and hot - too steamy for me.

FirePhrase said...

It was 94 with 45% humidity here today. Ugh. And when I walked out the door for work, it was the first time this year when the morning wasn't cool. Spring's over. Get out the coolers, folks. It's gonna be a hot one.

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