Friday, May 22, 2009

Really. Is there any point in blogging when this stuff writes itself?

Okay, I just heard this. It has to be a joke. Bristol Palin and Candies shoes are teaming up to advocate against teen pregnancy.


Okay, so slutty shoes* and a girl who now believes in abstinence (again . . . belatedly) because being a teen mom is hard, you guys, are joining forces.

Okay, so for anyone who doesn't believe that Americans are completely fuqd up about sex, I'd like to enter into evidence Exhibit A - the Justice League-style pairing of a purveyor ho gear and the International Poster Girl for Locking the Barn Door After the Cow Has Bolted. Makes perfect sense.

* For the record, I think Candies are tres adorable, and perfectly kicky for an evening out at the clubs. But you don't see nuns wearing them either. Oh, and did I mention that Britney Spears is there spokes person? But, hey. Brit was married before she had kids, y'all.


WashingtonGardener said...

I think Candies is LOVING this PR.

Bristol can go away now, thanks. By Bye.

FirePhrase said...

Agreed. She can exit the building immediately. Ah, for the good old days when we could have just slapped a big red letter on her chest then shunned her. Those puritans may have been on to something.

TIME: Quotes of the Day