Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In honor of Mother's Day

Good quiz from the good folks at the Chicago Tribune. I got 91% - whiffed the one on where Rob and Laura Petrie lived. Dang it! I truly do watch too much TV.


Desiree' said...

I missed the Petrie question, the One Tree Hill question, and the Everybody Loves Raymond question. I never watched any of them.

WashingtonGardener said...

I missed Petrie and One Tree Hill - one show I'm too young for, the other too old - so hardly (if ever) watched either.

FirePhrase said...

I never watched One Tree Hill, so I just had a lucky guess on that one. But I loved the Dick Van Dyke show on reruns. Maury Amsterdam and Rose Marie just cracked me up. I was a weird kid.

TIME: Quotes of the Day