Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Help me to understand Brand

Okay, I admit it. Unhip, uncool, totally true. I don’t get Russell Brand.

I don’t mean “don’t get” as in I don’t understand his jokes. I do. I just don’t think they’re all that funny. Some of them are that funny. But he’s very hit-or-miss for me. If he was in a comedy showcase, I’d be happy to listen to his best 5 minutes. But a full hour of him would just kind of bore me.

It’s not that he’s kinda wrong. I can laugh at wrong to some extent. Zach Galifianakis is waaaaay wrong. And he makes me laugh my bee-hind off. And feel very ashamed of myself. And it’s not the androgynous hair, makeup and emo-pants thing that Russell Brand does. I’ve seen Eddie Izzard so glammed out that he makes Brand look like a pre-Vatican II nun. And for that matter Emo Phillips rocked a version of that skinny/sexually ambiguous/weird hair thing 20 years ago. Schtick is schtick. And it very rarely has anything to do with how funny somebody is. I just kind of get the feeling that Russell Brand is all schtick. Like a male Sarah Silverman.

I could be wrong. If you get Russell Brand, explain him to me. I’ve reversed my opinion on Dane Cook. Actually, several times (currently, I’m on the yea side). And Ricky Gervais. So tell me what it is about him that makes him funny. I’m always up for a laugh.


WashingtonGardener said...

Russell just is - the jokes are superfluous. He is eye candy and a just a fun person who'd be great to party with -- same as Dane Cook :-)

Meanwhile, I did not like Ricky G's stand-up at all - very labored and tiresome -- he should definitely stick to scripted shows/

FirePhrase said...

With Ricky Gervais, strangely, my favorite thing is when he's interacting with another funny person. The last time he was on Graham Norton killed me. And that thing with him and Elmo on YouTube is beyond funny and surreal.

I would NEVER invite Russell Brand to my party. I don't have that kind of liquour budget.

WashingtonGardener said...

LOL it'd have to be BYOB definitely- but you can't say he would not liven things up!

I agree that RG is better in interviews and interacting than on his own.

FirePhrase said...

I think part of it is that Ricky Gervais really seems to appreciate other funny people. I thought they were going to have to get him an oxygen tank when he was on Kathy Griffin's D-List.

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