Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, I'll be damned

So, we’ve got a black President Elect. I’m not sure how is racial background will affect his governance philosophy. But I can say that I feel like we’re slightly cooler as a nation now. A black Commander in Chief has a certain cache, no?

And the fact that we do have a POTUS with a little melanin speaks to a new reality in America. Sure, there’s Joe Six-Pack, but he just might be black. And there are more than a few Jose Six-Packs, and Xiu Six-Packs, Mo(hamed) Six-Packs and Jane Six-Packs. All proud to be Americans. And possibly color doesn’t have to be the single most pertinent fact of identity. Or the deciding factor in an election.

Oh, Mr. Obama isn’t exactly your average American. He graduated from Harvard Law, people. And if I had to bet, I’d say his probably more like Joe Pinot. Suddenly, we’re in an America that can call the bi-racial son of a middle-class, single mother an elitist. And elect him President. Huh. Whoda thunk? I'm kind of impressed with us today.


FirePhrase said...

A good day, indeed.

WashingtonGardener said...

I must say I'm proud of Bush (and I NEVER thought I'd say that) on coming on this morning to say congrats and to promise a smooth transition. He could have played it pretty bitter.

And WHY is my word verification toady "cokerazi" -- is Google tryingto tell me something???

FirePhrase said...

Bush does well in big dramatic moments. His speech after 9/11 was spot on. And even he has to realize this is another big moment. If he acts like a douche-bag on this point, it WILL go down in the history books.

The last time I posted on your cite the verification word was "hydra". I've been called a lot of things, but never a five-headed serpent. At least not to my face.

TIME: Quotes of the Day