Monday, October 13, 2008

uh whaaaa? no way!;_ylt=Aonzo1xGsYeuBCruiC9VZh1xFb8C

Happy dance! Shimmy shimmy coocoa pop, shimmy shimmy yeah! bring back V, baby. Bring it right on back home! Try and tell me you were alive in the 80s and you don't remember Diana unhinging her jaw to pop a live guinea pig in her pie hole and swallowing it whole! Best 80s TV moment E.V.E.R.

Oh, please let there be big hair, big shoulder pads and Robert Englund chasing mice! Pretty, pretty please! Oh, my god, and Michael Ironside. Please let there be Michael Ironside!!! These are bleak, bleak times. And now, like no other moment on Earth, we need a rag tag band of human resistance fighters, battling lizards in red polyster jumpsuits and latex masks who want to have over for dinner.


Desiree' said...

One of my favorite tv shows ever! I have the whole thing on dvd, even the shitty series after the good one. I just introduced it to Skylar last year. I love love love it. Everything about it. It is where I began my strange love affair with Michael Ironside. I just hope it does not suck ass. That would be bad.

FirePhrase said...

I totally have a thing for Michael Ironside. He's so masculine.

The whole thing where the teenage girl has sex with the lizard guy who she thinks is good, then he turns out to be evil, then she has his half-lizard baby? Oh, my god!!

Desiree' said...

Isn't it awesome? The cheesy special effects are still super cool, too! I really really love this show. I love everything about it. Even the Beastmaster. lol And Michael Ironside was one manly man. One of my first bad boy crushes. I will now watch any piece of crap that he is in. lol

WashingtonGardener said...

I totally forgot about that lizard baby birth - now THAT wa good tv!

FirePhrase said...

Oh, yeah! They are in the delivery room, everybody looks stunned, then they hold up the gooey green lizard baby. Classic.

Desiree' said...

Skylar was totally freaked out by the baby lizard tongue. lol

FirePhrase said...

Will we ever see such a golden age of puppet effects again? Green screen is great. But can it match actually holding a squirming lizard baby?

victory4angela said...

YES! I raved about V to a co-worker 2 years ago (my age), but he never saw it in the 80s. How could he miss it? Anyway, that lizard birth was awesome. Big hair, shoulder pads, everything totally cool. I'm looking forward to this one.

FirePhrase said...

Was this co-worker unusually pale? Like maybe he had lived under a rock for 20 years?

I'm just hoping that they don't try to "update" it too much. Probably 90% of the shows that they try to make current just end up losing everything that made them fun in the first place. Knight Rider, I'm looking at you.

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