Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ahhhh. The first PR wrap-up of the season . . .

I love it when Project Runway has that fresh out of the box smell. As spoilers go, this one will be pretty damn spoily. But really, if you can't pick out who's getting the boot before the rags hit the runway, you just aren't paying attention.

First off, I was kind of despairing of this cast. Yes, they may be the most "diverse group yet". But, I was surprised that diverse does not mean interesting. I was contemplating a sad little season . . . "Wait. Did that bitch just refer to himself in the third person?" Ah, Suede. I loves ya already. And I'm kind of reluctantly interested little Mr. ManTan. Right now, I can't tell if he's crazy talented or just crazy. Plus, the gal from Africa who now lives in Little Rock. How do those two styles go together? And does she ever look around herself in Arkansas and think "What the sweet hell?"

Anyhoo. At the very least, I'm going to enjoy seeing The Tim go all "Dad's mad" on this bunch of whiny babies. Complaining about using grocery store items in the first challenge? In front of the King of Gristedes, Austin Scarlett himself? Let's not forget that Austin made one of PR's most memorable dresses in the first challenge - using corn husks! (Austin, baby doll, ease up on the foundation, by the way. You're far too young for the Linda Evans look. At your age, a fresh face is you best asset. Though keep the eyeliner. Adorable!) And the Cher-ette! Not checking what the garbage bags look like before you buy them? Rookie mistake. And as for Jerry . . . dressing his girl up like she was Dexter Morgan's wet dream? Boring, ugly, lazy. It's the eins, zwei, auf wiedersehen trifecta of Project Runway. Check of all three of those and it's sure bet Mr. Gunn will be sending you up to pack your station.

I foresee a lot of shouting at the TV this year. Pleated pants??!?!? Noooooo! Ah, well. If you can't gasp in wonder, at least you can huff in horror. And that's fun too, no?


WashingtonGardener said...

I totally disagreed with the judges - ugle raincoat or not at least he DESIGNED something -- CHer-ette hardly tried and showed no talent to boot.

FirePhrase said...

You have a valid point. But I think what it came down to she ended up throwing together something last minute that at least mimicked fashion. He worked really, really hard and sewed his heart out, and came up with something butt ugly and slightly insane looking. You know how Nina feels about taste level. The yellow dishwashing gloves done him in.

TIME: Quotes of the Day