Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Are you one with the Body?

I'm so creeped out by the redheaded girl in the new Palm Pre commercials. I don't know if it's the soft focus Garden of Eden background, the vaguely nude seeming headshot, the Village of the Damned eyes, the semi-stoned voice, or the fact that she wasn't ever truly alive until she got this phone. [BTW - If all your life problems are solved by a phone, you ain't living, toots.] Ah, AH, ah! You cannot resist the power of the cell phone . . .

This is one of those instances where the commercial is so truly offputting, that I'll never buy the product because of it. More than that, I wouldn't by a Palm Pre because I'm now afraid of it. Going by this chick, you buy one and your brain gets sucked out of your head through your ear, or super sonic waves coming out of the screen send you into the corn field. Maybe it's how the Pod People are going to get us. Don't touch the cell phone - it's evil!!!

Actually, I do know some people who've been turned into techno-zombies by their cell phones. Hmmmm. Pod People.


WashingtonGardener said...

the 1st time I saw her and the way shecreepily turned - I jumped - it definitely gets your attention! I don;t know what about her is so "off" - I know what they were going for - zen, natural-girl - but this chick is just a poser and I think that is the problem

FirePhrase said...

There's just such a disconnect between the fact that the dialogue is so absurd, but there's no sense of humor or irony to the delivery. Like a Sarah Palin speech. Hmm. Maybe they could get William Shatner to re-enact the whole commercial.

WashingtonGardener said...

I can't believe they tested this creepy commercial and it got to air - or maybe they are very smart - got us talking about it didn;t it?

FirePhrase said...

Got me talking about how I would never buy their phone. I think the only thing that would have creeped me out more is if they had a Cirque Du Soleil performer in the background. Eeeek. I just freaked myself out.

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