Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Texas Birthright.


Yeah, it was the governor of Texas that brought on Ron Paul's secession comments. But let's get the facts straight:
  1. Gov. Rick Perry is a twit.
  2. Regardless of his twitliness, Governor Perry was only engaging in an age old Texas tradition of threatening to secede from the USA. We've had 6 flags over Texas. Piss us off enough and we'll make it a lucky 7. I am soon to be 30-ten, and I've been hearing Texans pitch this particular bitch as long as I can remember. We can say that we're proud to be Americans, the yammer about being quite capable of getting on as our own country, thank you kindly. It's all talk. But we might.
  3. But he's still a twit.


WashingtonGardener said...

I shout secession all the time too- meaning we in MoCo and PG should grab DC amd NoVa and form our own state - WE are the ones paying the bills for the rest of our states and the powers that be in Annaplis in Richmond better start coming correct and show propoer respect if they don't want that gravy train to end!

FirePhrase said...

Now that would be interesting. Definitely would give DC some juice in their statehood claims (long overdue as far as I'm concerned). And MoCo certainly has more in common as far as constituents go with Georgetown than it does with Cumberland.

TIME: Quotes of the Day