Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And one more thing . . .

Well, while I'm on the subject, here's another vice that's becoming rapidly untenable - sleeping in. Totally, totally sucks. If I sleep in longer than an hour or so, I end up feeling like holy hell. And the marathon sleep session until noon was one of my favorite crimes against my upbringing.

My parents view sleeping in as indulgent to the level of, say, wiping your nose with $5 bill or using the vometorium. WASTING daylight hours. Personally, I usually found a good lie in to be investing in my mental health, rather than a waste. But they would suddenly go Trotsky-ite on my decadent bourgeois, Americaniski habits. Too the gulag with you, enemy of the people!

And since my parents disapproved, that would make a Saturday morning in bed just that much sweeter. Aaahhh. Roll over. Snooze some more. Wallow in it. And wake up feeling that delicious rested-all-over sensation.

But now I wake up with a muzzy head, and not feeling any more rested than if I got up at my normal time. If I get my usual 8 plus maybe 1 or 1.5 hours more, I'm good. Any more than that, and it's just the Law of Diminishing returns. And sometimes, I can't even do the +1. I'm up with my regular alarm. What a waste of a perfectly good Saturday morning. I could be sleeping, but instead I'm wandering around looking for coffee. Just poop. Sucks getting old.

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