Friday, August 8, 2008

It's a politician coming - lock up the womenfolk

So, John Edwards had an affair. Can't say I'm surprised. I mean. Politicians. How can you be surprised? I am a little disappointed though. I'd of thought that he'd have been a little bit of a better man.

Though. Freals. If, all things being equal, I was going to do it with a politican . . . I'd have to say . . . John Edwards. He'd be my pick. I mean, some politicians, you think they went into government for the tail, because they couldn't play guitar. But Edwards. I can see that.

But things not being equal, I'm still kind of bummed that he stepped out. He seemed to have a real mission lately working for healthcare reform and our nation's poor. Kiss that goodbye. Plus, his wife, with everything she's carrying right now, does not need this nonsense. I suppose politicians are a necessary evil. But I sure as hell wouldn't want one marrying my sister.

And the "I'm not that baby's daddy" thing is just kind of gross. One of Edwards' staffers says he's the father of the woman's child. When will people learn? Whether you work at campaign headquarters or the Chicken Shaque - fishing off the company peer is not cool. And to be running two men in the same workplace back to back, close enough that there is even the remotest question as to paternity? Girl, that is wrong. Hell, it makes Larry Craig look discreet.

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