Thursday, July 31, 2008

Still small voice

Okay, this is just a story I do not get. Unless the assailant is Uma Thurman in a yellow jumpsuit, or a guy waving a katana sword and screaming "There can be only one!!", I'm thinking that there had to be some point between stabbing the fellow passenger and beheading the fellow passenger in which intervention was possible. Usually the EMTs can help out with someone who has been stabbed. Decapitated is much harder to fix.

And if I find it hard to get on the plane with a pair of kindergarten craft scissors to cut yarn with, why are bus safety standards so low that this guy was able to hop aboard with something capable of decapitating (decapitating) a human being. He didn't do that with a plastic fork.

Obviously, this dude had some bad voices in his head. Ones that he shouldn't have been listening too. But I think maybe his fellow passengers had some voices that they should have paid a little more attention to. Like the littel voice that says, "Do something."


momo said...

Personally, I don't know if I would have been brave enough to tackle a scitzo with a knife but I hope I would have at least thrown a shoe at his head or something!

FirePhrase said...

I know. Throw something! Shoes! A book! A purse! God knows some women have purses heavy enough to knock somebody out clean.

And if there's one thing that church attack proved on Sunday - you may not be able to take a nut job out by yourself, but a bunch of people can. Strength in numbers.

TIME: Quotes of the Day