Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ending the Week - with extreme prejudice

Dude. Don't look around. Just be cool. Relax. Chill.

Okay. Here's the deal. We're going to act like it's Friday. Seriously. If we all just act like it's Friday, maybe we can make it BE Friday. It's the end of the month. That throws people off any way. So if we all just play along like it's the end of the week, we might just be able to make it happen.

Here's how you start: keep walking up to people, saying "Hey, big plans for the weekend? I'm thinking I'll barbecue." And "Whew, can't believe we made it to the end of the week." And throw in the occasional, "TGIF, right?" Then at the end of the day hit 'em with the kicker - "Take it easy. See ya Monday." But don't overplay it. Just casual like.

Cause, damn. I needs to be Friday. I think if I wake up tomorrow and realize I've still got another day to go, I may just curl up into a little ball and die. Don't you feel it? It's gotta be Friday. It's just gotta be.

So, ya know. See ya Monday.

1 comment:

Desiree' said...

I am right with you on this one. And I had Monday & Tuesday off. Still felt like a really long week.

TIME: Quotes of the Day