Friday, February 19, 2010

Politically correct? No. Funny? Hell, yeah.

I make no bones that I don’t like the Family Guy. It works my last nerve. And it’s just one more thing to dislike Sarah Palin over that I feel the need to come down on the FG’s side in defense of the First Ammendment.

But turns out that I don’t have to! The actress in question, who happens to have Down’s, is doing just fine on her own. If Sarah Palin (fluffball* Republican extraordinaire) gets taken down by a woman with Down’s Syndrome, I will laugh myself sick. It just seems so . . . fitting. In so many ways.

I especially find it funny that Palin was too mad to issue the full response for her family herself, so she had her daughter Bristol do it. You can just see her as President, “Ooooo, I’m so mad at the Russians. Bristol! Handle it!”

* Really, she is a fluffball as far as Republicans go. If you aren't good on any of the issues that I usally rely on Republicans for (foreign policy, deficit, a wide stance . . . on the issues), what good are you to me? Fluffball.


WashingtonGardener said...

Bristol is now a full-fledged Pro PR rep - bwaa ha ha!

FirePhrase said...

Or maybe they'll go all the way and make Bristol VP. Palin and Palin 2012. Glenn Beck just got so happy he piddled the carpet.

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