Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Put down the mouse and step away from the PhotoShop

Well, maybe it's progress. After years and years of women being PhotoShopped into offputting plastic perfection, finally here's a picture of a fella who's been turned into a frankenfreak by the publicity department. Usually it's the women who get turned into Barbie's anorexic cousin.

This is a publicity photo for Cupid. Featuring the lovely and talented Bobby Canavale. And lurvely he is. With a rockin bod. And for me, a rockin bod does not constitute looking like a 14-year old emo boy who lives on black licorice and diet Coke - whoo. Give me a second to get that imaginary taste out of my mouth. I really need to be more careful about what I write sometimes.

Anyway. They've skinnied him from a man to a mouse. And done something very prissy to his face. I'm not sure who this picture is supposed to appeal to. Personally, I'm not into guys that it looks like I could snap like a twig. Maybe they're marketing to teenage girls. Bobby does look very non-threatening in a half-hawk and hipster T.

And I certainly hope this isn't a sign of trends to come. Women have been doomed to the airbrush almost as long as there have been cameras. And I kind of hoped that parity would mean that women would be portrayed more realistically, rather than also subjecting men to the same electronic primping and pruning. We girls have been through enough body issues. I wouldn't wish them on anyone else.


WashingtonGardener said...

It looks like they were all shot with a fish lens to make their topis big and legs skinny/small. It is odd looking.

FirePhrase said...

Especially given that the girls in the pic look fairly normal, given Hollywood's size 00 fetish. You'd think a rule of thumb should be that your male lead should not look thinner than your female lead. Do you suppose this is the oppposite of the fat guy/skinny wife sitcome?

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