Monday, February 16, 2009

Quit crowding me

Well, the worm has indeed turned. There was an interview with Anna Wintour of Vogue magazine saying the days of ostentation are over, and nobody wants to look "too Dubai". Subtle, darling. It's all about value.


Everybody's jumping on my little bandwagon, and I'm starting to feel crowded. I've been on the anti-ostentation kick for years (i.e., my entire life). And for most of the last 10 years, I've been one of the few voices in the over-the-top wilderness. I liked it that way. It's my schtick. But now people want to bite my rap. It's just not as amusing making fun of fashionistas urging us to go to hell in a $10,000 handbag when everybody else is saying the same thing.

My first impulse is my usual contrarian reaction. If they're all thrifty, I'm going to be a gadabout in glad rags. The pricier the better. Bring on the gold-plated Manolo's. But, oh, wait. I'm cheap. There's no way my bank account could cash the checks my mouth would be righting.

So really. I'm at a loss. This cuts a big chunk out of my material. Well, just poop. The economy better turn quick. If I can't make fun of rich people buying diamond encrusted automatic cake servers, I might have to start talking about issues or something. Perish the thought.


WashingtonGardener said...

I think ostentation has its place - royal wedding, the Oscars, etc. but flaunting the Rolex and furs on the street and the office now is just tacky. I'm looking forward to fighting off the Gucci babes in the thrift store aisles - bring 'em on!

FirePhrase said...

Those high-end cream puffs have no shot against hardened bargain shoppers like thee and me.

TIME: Quotes of the Day