Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Circle Circle Dot Dot


I knew it! I knew it! Kids are just really effective germ delivery systems. Okay, I may be more sensitive to this right now, seeing as I'm a seething mass of germ-riddled snot, but I ain't touching any kids in the near future. Grubby little carriers. I think this is probably one of those biological mechanisms. Flu germs attach themselves to kids, because kids are cute and you just want to hug 'em and kiss 'em and pat 'em on the head. Giving the flu buggies the chance to jump on you and colonize and make you wish you were dead.

Well, I'm not falling for it. My immunity level is in the sub-basement right now. And if anything even remotely nasty gets near me, I'm done for. So I don't care if some kid that looks like the second coming of Dakota Fanning comes near me. They need to keep their grubby little mitts and their cooties to themselves. Unless of course they don't mind me dipping them in a bucket of hand sanitizer first.


WashingtonGardener said...

Yet ANOTHER reason not to become a teacher. They really should get hazard pay.

FirePhrase said...

When my sister was teaching the smaller ones, she used hand sanitizer like a fiend. And she'd make them wipe everything down with handi-wipes at least once a week.

TIME: Quotes of the Day