Thursday, July 1, 2010

And speaking of internet TMI . . .

Okay, so I'm looking at the Smoking Gun, and they've got Jeffrey Jones arrest card from his arrest for failing to report his change of residence as a sex offender. If you don't remember, Jones was the actor who played Ferris Bueller's principal and skads of other cult movie supporting roles. He was busted, and convicted, of being a pervert; talk about things your career can't come back from - ever. Anway, his arrest card has the address where he was busted. I'm guessing it's the address he moved to without reporting it to his PO.

Straight to Google I go to look it up on Google Maps streetview. Totally, normal middle class neighborhood. You kinda expect them to be in a run down trailer park, or a by-the-week roach motel. But this looks like another Pleasant Valley Sunday to me. I'm sure his neighbors weren't thinking the new guy is that actor from Beetlejuice. Or a creepy dude that you need to keep far, far away from you children.


WashingtonGardener said...

this is a shame - I really liked him in Amadeus

FirePhrase said...

He was really good in Ravenous (my favorite horror movie). A really talented actor. And obviously hounded by a really bad demon.

TIME: Quotes of the Day