Monday, December 21, 2009

Just 32

So Brittany Murphy died of natural causes. Yup. Anorexia is totally, totally natural. Just the way your heart stopping because you've ingested massive quantitites of drugs is way natural. Or if you take a bullet to the brain - natural. Because they all cause cardiac arrest. A natural process.

Please. That girl had looked like death warmed over with a heavy coat of foundation and eyeliner for years. The same Hollywood ugliness that would allow Michael Jackson to continue to abuse his body for 30 years let her continue to maintain an unhealthy body weight so that she would be more marketable as an actress. This is of course in the opinion of the same people who brought us the effed up aesthetic that thinks botoxed brows and D-cup breasts with 3% body fat is appealing. There can be cosequences. If you maintain a low body weight over a period of years, the body starts to cannibalize itself and eat it's own muscle tissue. And the heart is a muscle. Which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Which, by the way, is totally, totally natural.

Most anorexics don't die from their disease (though it is entirely possible). They just scrape along in miserable silence, suffering from heart problems, digestive problems, dental problems, esophageal cancer, fertility issues, depression and metabolic fatigue. But it seems to be a price that Hollywood is more than willing to pay to have walking stick figures who look thin on camera because the camera adds weight. Here's an idea - fix the damn cameras. If James Cameron can spend gross national product of Ecuador on making blue people look real, why can't somebody come up with a damn lens that doesn't add 10 pounds?

Will this be the wake up call? All anyone remembers is that Marilyn was found in the nude and Elvis died on the toilet. Cue the Brittany Murphy retrospective on TNT.


WashingtonGardener said...

I'd cut her memory some slack - too skinny yes, but flu, depression and dehydration may have done this - I'll wait for final autopsy results

FirePhrase said...

I'm actually not judging her. I liked her. Her Luanne Platter was one of the funniest characters on TV. I'm judging the system that took a girl at 17, and said she'd playing nothing but the chubby, funny friend unless she dropped down to an unhealthy weight. There are too many young women who do all the things that maintain that borderline emaciated body shape to the detriment of their health, just to conform to some whacked out concept of femininity. Starving, purging, speed, over-exercise. It all wears you down until, yes, a little flu takes you out.

And I'm not kidding. Fix the cameras. Why is this so hard?

victory4angela said...

George Michael, of NBC's Sports Machine fame, died this morning after a long battle with cancer. I didn't even know he had cancer.

FirePhrase said...

Did we go to high school with his daughter? I have some sort of vague recollection of something . . . kind of . . . maybe?

TIME: Quotes of the Day