Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pardon me, do you mind if I . . .

Okay, that a major university has to actually create a rule that you can't have sex with your roommate in the room just shows the erosion of civility in the modern world. I mean really. It's just impolite. As we all learned in kindergarten: If there's not enough for everybody, don't bring it out.


glorm said...

Boy, am I out of touch! I didn't realize our college dorms were now motels/hotels, and, generally, with mom and dad footing the bill.

FirePhrase said...

There was a protocol back in the day: wait until your roommate has a chemistry class then put a sock on the door handle. Or do it in the back of your car like decent folk. But no, I have it on reliable authority that an audience is not a deterrant these days.

WashingtonGardener said...

Um, not going into details, but some of my past college roomies actually NEEDED to have this rule enforced.

FirePhrase said...

Yes. Sex is a beautiful, sacred act that takes place between two people who are very much in love and within hearing distance of a grossed out teenage roomie trying desperately to cover her ears with a pillow.

victory4angela said...

I have been there and it is gross waking up in the middle of the night trying to figure out what that noise is and then realizing. Ewwww. I pretended to get up to go to the bathroom so they'd know I was awake.

The worst was freshmen year when my roomie and I woke up in the middle of the night and started chatting. I was on the bottom bunk. She asked a wierd question and I said, "What?" She replied, "Oh, not you." That's when I realized she had company up there. It's a good thing I was a heavy sleeper. Ick

FirePhrase said...

It's really hard to sleep while covering your ears and saying "La la la. Not listening. La la la. Are you wearing protection?"

TIME: Quotes of the Day