Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nice Trick

The thing I find more than a little fascinating about Sacha Baron Cohen’s Bruno character is that he looks so convincing as one of those fashionista models.

Not that he’s a bad looking fella. He is, in fact, hot. Me likey. But he’s hot in a very masculine way. Not a pretty boy. In fact, he’s far enough from pretty that he can turn himself into Borat. Waaaay not pretty.

But as Bruno, he’s got every detail right. The highlights. The blank canvass facial expression. The toned, but not overly built up body. The getups. The spray tan. And they must have waxed the man within an inch of his life. From eyebrows to toes. Manscaping? They must have napalmed him.

The character is absolutely immaculate. A true transformation. Really, his style of humor isn’t my thing. There’s just some air of cruelty to it that kills the humor for me. But as far as execution, I’m truly all admiration.


WashingtonGardener said...

He has been waxed to the Nth degree - and th make-up is perfection - h basically is in drag. Many masculine men make pretty girls, go figure - I think it is all in the cheekbones and tweezed brows.

FirePhrase said...

And you can't underestimate the 98.3% blank look he has on. Like he went around inside and turned off all the lights except for one night light in the bathroom. It just sells the whole thing.

WashingtonGardener said...

Saw him on Letterman last night - his stories were terrific - I'm panting to see this film already - release it!

FirePhrase said...

There was a column in the LA Times about how much planning it took to pull the movie off, and not get their asses kicked by howling masses in the process. I'd love to see a Hearts of Darkness style doc on the making of Bruno.

TIME: Quotes of the Day