Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Can I get this to go?

We had more fun laughing about this at the office. It's a Miss Manner's article about a person who was handed an unusual "rememberance" of the dearly departed at a funeral. Actually, it wasn't a rememberance. I was the dearly departed. In a little silk bag. Which they didn't announce contained cremains until everyone had been given one. Visualize a roomful of people, of varying levels of acquaintance with Dear Old Dead Fred, all simultaneously looking at the palm of their hand.

This would be one of those moments where, I'd hope that I had the presence of mind to get over my own shock in time to look around at other people's faces. That moment would have to be priceless. From "holy crap!" to "WTF?" That would be a mental image that would bring you hours of giggles.

And what did they think all those people would want a teaspoon of Fred for? If you worked with Fred, it's not like you have your "special place" with him. What are you going to do, sprinkle his ashes in the breakroom so that you can still have coffee with Fred like the good old days? Or carry him in your pocket so that you can take him with the gang to lunch - How about Lou's for lunch? What do you think Fred?

Miss M is right. A funeral is no time to fool with tradition. It's bad enough when you have to do something "different" at a wedding (like doing a dollar dance with a groom who can only dance in a clockwise direction - I thought he was trying to screw me into the floor, literally).


WashingtonGardener said...

I have never experienced the "dllar dance" and hope never to. As to the funeral "gift," I thought it was appalling and quite probably illegal. I wonder how many guests "accidentally" left their bundles under their seats, that would have been my solution.

FirePhrase said...

I'm not sure what I would have done with poor old Fred. Though the morbidly prankish side of my personality might lead me to mix him in with some paint and turn him into a picture to hang on the wall. Hopefully I'll never be given the opportunity to misbehave in this manner.

TIME: Quotes of the Day