Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chicago Style

The more I see about the Illinois governor, the more I think of two specific things:

1. I keep thinking about that scene in the Untouchables where Robert Deniro as Capone has all the mafia guys around the table and demonstrates what happens to people in Chicago when they screw with the Boss. Except when I see the scene, it's Obama holding the baseball bat.

2. They elected a guy with this haircut? Mistake.


WashingtonGardener said...

I KNOW I cannot get past that HAIR - *sigh* - and NOW I'm in NW Indy where all the local channels are Chicago or South Bend you can IMAGINE what is on the local news here - can you say "feeding frenzy?"

FirePhrase said...

I'm actually glad that it's a feeding frenzy up there. I'd hate to think that this happens so often up there that corruption has become below-the-fold news.

TIME: Quotes of the Day