Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What a character

Thought I'd pass this along in case you missed it. NPR is running a continuing series called "In Character". They're doing these "mini-bios" about influential characters in movies, TV, plays, books and other media. And they're not all what you'd automatically think. Some of the characters have a literary snob factor (Hester Prynne from the Scarlet Letter and Captain Ahab from Moby Dick). But there are also pieces on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hannibal Lecter, Fred Sanford and Barbie. I can particularly recommend the ones on Eric Cartman (an absolute scream), Indiana Jones, Long Duk Dong and Cookie Monster. I'm very excited because I just saw they've added. . . wait for it. . . Mr. Spock!! Yes!

Each one was picked by an NPR correspondent. And they do a short profile on the character. Some talking about the way the character has been influential in society (George Jefferson), or represents a certain kind of person (Willy Loman), or means something to them personally (Buffy). I think the goal is for them to do 50 characters. Some of them you can read directly off the blog and some can be listened to as they were broadcast on NPR. They're also available for download on iTunes. They last anywhere from 5-15 minutes, and make great listening on a road trip. My sister and I had a blast listening to some of the broadcasts on the way up to Arkansas. If you look through the list, you're almost sure to find one of your own favorites.


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