Monday, June 30, 2008

Again, possibly I watch the SciFi channel too much

Oh, don't you just love this sort of article? We could all die screaming in eternal time-distorted agony in the tortured gravity of a black hole. Or maybe not. It could go either way.

Okaaay. Well. Good to know.

And I love the person who says, "Obviously, the world will not end when the LHC switches on". Well, you know what? That sounds exactly like what an evil/psychotic, genius, physicist super-villain would say. Just before the world ends. And if he's not a super-villain, and just a physicist who possibly should have calculated pi out a few more decimals, and ends up squishing the entire planet, what's he going to do afterward? Apologize? Sorry! My bad!

Wouldn't that make a great epitaph for the Earth - Whoops!


Desiree' said...

Am I an evil scientist if I say just do it? The chances of it destroying seem so insignificant compared to the pure scientific information we can and gain, and the ability to say we did it. Remember, knowledge is power!

FirePhrase said...

I don't know. Do you have an unusually mwah-ha-ha kind of laugh? Does your daughter every get pissed at you for calling her Mini Me? Do you refer to your friends as "henchmen"?

Actually, I'm not saying they should stop. The wonders of science and all that. I'm just saying that there is a potential for irony here. Irony that I would not be around to appreciate, seeing as I'd be reduced to a speck of cosmic dust. Cosmic dust specks aren't known for their appreciation of humorous paradoxes. They're more into slapstick.

WashingtonGardener said...

I saw that story and immediately thought of YOU - knew you'd jump on blogging about it - I will admit this has me really scared - just what I need ONE MORE REAL THING to worry about after nuclear threats, terrorists, floods, artic ice melting, war, etc. - Jeez!

FirePhrase said...

Obviously, they aren't familiar with their sci-fi schlock classics. Or they would have seen Black Hole. Because my memory is a little sketchy, but I'd swear this is exactly the same plot line.

And for those of us not ambitious enough to garden, don't forget to add the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes to the list!

WashingtonGardener said...

NO The Black Hole did not come to us - some dumbass explorers went to IT in that old-ass flick - it has been 20+ years but that is what I remember.

Oh so love "Killer Tomatoes" and then related releases - bring those back Comedy Central and stop rerunning the same old lame stuff

FirePhrase said...

You'd think they could do a joint SciFi channel/Comedy Central theme month of all the classic scifi spoofs - Swamp Thing, The Man with Two Brains, Hardware Wars, Ice Pirates. I would so tune in for that.

TIME: Quotes of the Day