- Walgreen's knock-off of Zyrtec. When Zyrtec came out as off-the-shelf, I was excited. Until I saw the price tag. Wooo mommy. But I tried the Walgreens "Wal-Zyr" and I have found it fantastically effective. I'm buying the 90 day supply, and it runs about $0.30 per day. This has been the most pleasant spring allergy season that I've been through in about 30 years. Nary a sniffle, nary a sneeze.
- Archer Farms knock-off of FiberOne bars. I adore the FiberOne bars. My philosophy is that a tidy colon is a happy colon. And the FiberOne bars are delicious, with about 1/3 of your daily recommended fiber intake. The Archer Farms version has the same fiber, but is about 10% less delicious. But it's also $1 cheaper a box. That's a substantial difference when every penny counts.
- Kroger lime flavored seltzer water. I transferred over to seltzer water to save on calories. And I've found that the store version of any plain seltzer is as good as any from Canada Dry or St. Croix or (godforbid) Perrier. There's no substantial taste difference in any of them, in spite of a very substantial price difference. And the Kroger lime is better than any of the other flavored seltzers.
- Kroger orange juice. Who'da thunk? Store brand OJ. I've compared it to MinuteMaid, Tropicana, Simply Orange and, of course, Sunny D. It has topped all of them in fresh flavor. And that's for regular, extra pulp and low acid. This was one where I thought for sure the name brands would be better, but it hasn't played out that way. Just shows to go ya.
- Okay, indelicate to mention, but to save you the money - Target generic "compare to Tampax Pearl". It doesn't. It is nowhere near as good a product. The name brand here is a far better bet, and worth the extra dough. The generic doesn't have any of the "extra features" of the Pearl, and is barely as good as the regular version of Tampax. And it costs about the same as the regular version (galling). Don't waste your money on this one. I'm staying a Pearl Girl.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Hints from Cheap-o-uise
In my continuing efforts to make the bottom line a little fatter (and anybody who just thought my bottom is fat enough already can kiss it), I'm compiling a list of generics and off price stuff that are just as good as the "real thing." Some knock offs aren't worth the money. Like cheap toilet paper. Cheap TP isn't worth the money. When it comes to my bits and pieces, I want the good stuff. But sometimes the cheap version is just as good, if not better. Here's the ones I've found so far. And please feel free to chime in with your own. I'd love to hear about them.
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I go generic whenever I can, and my favs are the Market Pantry brand from Target. But, there are some items I will not buy generic:
Toilet paper - only the best for my bits (exception - Target brand toilet paper...I swear it is just Northern without the brand name on it)
Cheese - I have never met a generic cheese I liked. No matter the store brand, it tastes like crap. I only buy Kraft, Borden, & Sargentto cheese
Pads - I will only use Always with wings. I tried the generic store brand, but the wings were too small. I really need the coverage.
Ooo. Good tip on Target TP. I'll have to try it. For cheese, I only really buy string chese consistently. I've been getting the Lucerne, which at my grocer store appears to be the generic(? - weird). Very nice flavor and good consistency. For pads, I haven't found a good generic either. Hmm. Name brand on pads and TP? Am I spotting a trend here?
Yes, your woman parts are very delicate. Treat with care. lol
Yeah generic femi hygiene prods just do NOT make the cut
Also generic Qtips are downright dangerous - you could poke an eardrum out with those sharp-ass sticks
Generic TP is foul but generic cola? - ugh!!!!
But here is my generic "yes" list:
- seltzer water
- canned soup, crackers, yogurt, etc. most all grocery staples really
- biz envelopes
- AA batteries (Ikea's rule)
- rubbing alcohol and cotton balls
Good blog topic!
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