Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twit my Dad says

It was one of those conversations. My Dad asked me to explain Twitter. We were all over at T’s house having dinner. And he asked me, “So, what exactly is Twitter?” Now my Dad is a hardcore OG when it comes to tech. He worked with computers when they were the size of rooms. He bought us a TI-99 computer that we thought was really cool because we could program a picture that looked like this:

* *

Stone Age emoticons. And it took a s***load of programming to do it. Dad is no slouch when it comes to tech. But he just barely does Facebook. And that’s really only when I e-mail him to log-in to see new pictures of his grandkids.

So, this Twitter thing? And the more I talked the more insane I realized the whole thing sounded. I’m not a Tweeter, but I kind of get the concept. So, I tried to explain the followers, and the tweets, and the hash tags and all that it was great if you wanted to quickly share information with people about a topic or an event (#cheapgrub free tacos at Torchy’s!). And the more I talk the more he’s just shaking his head. He didn’t say it. But I could tell he was thinking, “Who cares?”

Maybe I should have explained it in a way that he, a senior citizen guy, would understand. You could have a hash tags for stuff retired men dig: #stuffOGslike coffee @Jackinthebox is da bomb. #kickinitoldschool rockin the plaid fishing hat today. #bassproshop sale on lures! #rvliving if the trailers a rockin LOL.


glorm said...

Last night part of Jay Leno's monolog went something like this: "Twitter is five years old. Before that you could take your clothes to the cleaners and none of your friends knew about it."

FirePhrase said...

I don't do the Twitter, just because it seems like there's a higher expectation of doing something interesting. Or saying something funny. That can be summed up in 140 characters. Too much pressure. Brevity is the soul of twit, as it were. Snort.

WashingtonGardener said...

don't think anyone can explain Twitter - you experience it - then you love it or you hate it.

Perhaps if your dad has someone he likes a lot who tweets he'd get into it.

FirePhrase said...

Maybe if my 4 year old nephew gets a Twitter account. Not impossible. The kid already knows how to call Papa on Skype.

TIME: Quotes of the Day