Friday, March 12, 2010

Hey, there Persephone, where you been so long?

I have always maintained that the secret to time travel is the difference between the perception of time when you’re doing something fun, like watching a really intense movie and look up and go “Wow, that was 2 hours?”, and the way time passes when you’re doing something NOT fun, like waiting for a bus, and look your watch to realize the half hour you’ve been standing there is only 5 minutes, and you have 10 more to go. Harness that slip differential, and we could all go back and watch the moon landing.

There’s also a fundamental difference in the perception of cold. On a day when it is 40 degrees and will only get up to 42, I walk to the train shivering and turtling down in to my heaviest jacket, muttering through blue lips things like “cold, so cccold, will this ever end?” But on a day when it’s 40 in the morning, and I know it will be getting up to 67, I throw on my jean jacket and go hippity-hopping off down the bunny trail, singing happy songs about birds and flowers and sunshine. 40 is still 40. But not all 40s are created equal.

All of this to say, spring has sprung and, like the boids, my heart is on the wing. March came in roaring like a Cowardly Lion, and is lamby-pie sweet all over. Not to say that there won’t be another cold snap. This is Texas, y’all. We’re not safe from one last winter freeze to come along and pinch our fannies on the way out the door. But TODAY the sun is shining, and all is forgiven. The penance of winter is over, and spring is doling out warm embraces again.


victory4angela said...

Yeah, like me being ecstatic after suffering through the cold, cold winter and finding out that the high is 60. I don't need a jacket at 60 - that's practially summer! Then at the end of summer when the temps dip down to 60, I'm looking for my winter coat.

FirePhrase said...

I love my jean jacket and sandals so much that I am one of the last fall holdouts. I have to get a good case of blue toes before I'll put away my free-feet sandals. It hit 75 out west of town where we had the family pic done. Which was possibly a little too much for March, even for me.

WashingtonGardener said...

so true that time flies when you are in at bliss and in your zone - that is when you are doing what you love and it no longer is 'work'

FirePhrase said...

And strangely, time passes quickly when your in the zone, yet you find you've accomplished so much. And when it's not clicking, you've got way too many minutes to spend and nothing to show for it.

TIME: Quotes of the Day