Friday, November 20, 2009

If true, then . . . what?

I don't think I've ever understood the Shroud of Turin thing. Granted, I was raised in a church that doesn't go in for much beyond Communion and baptism, as far as the whole rites and rituals thing. So I don't have much background here. But the relics are just kind of beyond my capacity.

I really don't have an opinion on whether it's real or not. I think, given how many pieces of the True Cross and saints knuckles are floating around out there, there's a good chance it's a fake. But maybe not. Stranger things. And if people want to believe, that's their business.

But I'm not sure why, if you do believe, it's something you'd want to keep around. Let alone touch. It's basically Jesus' BandAid. Like, with blood stains, and everything. Personally, when a bandage is on my finger, it's fine. But once it comes off, I never want to touch it again. You know like when one falls off in the shower, and you just stare at it because you don't want to pick the nasty thing back up. On your body - fine. The second it's off? Now it's hazardous waste.

And I kind of think Jesus would think the same thing. Like if he were to show up in Turin, for like a ski trip or something. "Hey, look what we've got!" "Oh. You kept that? Really? . . . Wow." It's not like it would even be a reminder of a good memory. I mean, you know. Dead and all. It's not like it's his favorite sandals or the cup he used to turn water into wine. "You guys! Hey, I can't believe you kept this! Good times. Good times." But the sheet you got wrapped in after being crucified? Not a good souvenir.


glorm said...

Thank you for giving me my "laugh of the day".

victory4angela said...

Me too. The thought of Jesus on a ski trip stopping by Turin made my day.

FirePhrase said...

What? You think he's more of a beach guy?

Unknown said...

He's probably one of those dudes who does everything: skiing, surfing, mountain climbing, base jumping, etc. I mean, he has no fear of death so why the heck not climb a cliff or swim with the sharks?

FirePhrase said...

Then again, he's also the ultimate "nothing to prove" guy. Base jumping? Free climbing? Amateurs.

Of course, I now have this image in my head that Jesus looks like The Dude from the Big Lebowski.

TIME: Quotes of the Day