Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mad People

A real live snap taken at a local DART train stop (if you look closely, you’ll peep a blurry me looking perplexed), that had me putting on my imagining cap. Here’s how I envision the ad meeting going:

“Love the artwork, Stew (*all ad companies should have a Stew – jb). The model looks very happy to be getting an interest-bearing checking accunt.”

“Thanks, Annie. We worked really hard on this one.”

“One thing . . . is there a reason she has a glowing crotch?”


“Her cooch, Stew. It’s glowing.”

“No, no. That’s a flower. It’s there for perspective. See the field of flowers?”

“Yeah, well it’s making her look like she’s got a radioactive vagina.”

“Oh, who would notice that? She’s happy! It’s interest-bearing checking! Whoo-hooo?”

“Well, maybe she’s happy because her uterus is going off like the Bat Signal.”

“Actually, given the location, it would be the T. . .”

“Finish that joke and I’ll call HR again, Stew.”

“But you said . . .”

“Never mind what I said. I have a uterus. I can say whatever I want. And I say a crotch with an aura is not the image we want to project.”

“But the changes to the artwork will cost and extra $50,000!”

“$50,000? Hmmm. We’ll go with the glowing va-jay-jay. Screw it.”

“I have HR on speed-dial, Stew.”


WashingtonGardener said...

Forget costly changes - just crop it at her belt - duh!

FirePhrase said...

It seems that simple doesn't it? Or hello? Photo Shop has that little stampy dealy that you can make changes with.

TIME: Quotes of the Day