Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That's just me

Have you ever noticed that whenever somebody says they are "just being me" or are "keeping it real" or "not acting fake" it's never because they did something good?

Like, "I just sent some flowers to a nursing home, but I'm just being myself." "I try to eath a healthy lunch, with lots of fruit and vegetables, cause I want to keep it real." Or "I thought I'd dress appropriately for the theater and not draw negative attention to myself, cause I don't like to act fake." Or, "I told my friend straight up, 'listen, dude, I don't mean to get in your business, but you did an awesome job and I'm proud to know you.' But that's just how a I role."


WashingtonGardener said...

OL yes "keep it real" can be roughly translated as "yeah, I'm a dick, so what?"

FirePhrase said...

It also seems to translate in some situations as "I have no desire to try to be any better, so suck it."

TIME: Quotes of the Day