Monday, April 19, 2010

Oooooh, the humanity!

I don’t know. What should we call it? The Great Tortilla Disaster? A Corntastrophe? The Masa Massacre?

I obviously way overestimated my facility with tortilla making. It was arrogance, pure and simple. And an arrogance punished with a near Calvinist fervor. Spanked. Just spanked.

And I thought I was doing so well. I was just mixing the masa with water. Simple proportions, a little more liquid than flour. Typical flatbread ratios. Nada problem. I’m kneading like I know what I’m doing. It’s all looking good. And I’m chuckling to myself about the wizardry of my skills. I pull out a walnut sized wodge of dough and shape it into a little fat disc and slap on the tortilla press between two pieces freezer bag – whap-ah! A perfect, beautiful round of bliss.

That won’t come off the damn plastic. I mean, just won’t come off. I finally have to scrape it back into the bowl, this thing that’s is supposed to just peel right off. Right. Sure. I figure it’s humid, so I add a little more masa to the mixture and need it again. Again it sticks like Bombshell McGee to another woman’s husband. Right. New plan. I switch to waxed paper. I come up with a vaguely Virgin Mary shaped tortilla, and slap it on the skillet. It’s not browning. It’s burning. I flip it quick, and try to save it. It was just one big mess. And it was all downhill from there. Uglier and uglier horrortillas. Luckily, most of the words I know in Spanish are bad words – and I used them all.

Okay. Fiasco. I’m fine with that. But I’m unbowed. I will not be beaten by the tortilla. I will master this skill, if I have to poison every one of my friends with bad tortillas to do it. I WILL make a good tortilla, just like mamacita used to make. MARK MY WORDS! You will be mine, tortilla! Oh, yes. You will me mine.


victory4angela said...

That sucks. Never give up! Vengeance and a tasty tortilla will be yours!

FirePhrase said...

It was embarassingly bad. I went in cocky. You should never go in cocky. And . . . there you go.

But I'm feeling very Galaxy Quest about this - Never give up! Never surrender!

glorm said...

Well, it wasn't a complete disaster--you didn't burn down the house nor did you kill anyone out of frustration.

Keep trying and keep us informed.

FirePhrase said...

I've been reading everything that I can come across to arm myself for another foray. I can't say I know what I did wrong yet. But I will not cede the field when deliciousness is the prize.

TIME: Quotes of the Day