Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday, my day

I’m thinking I’m just going to name Friday night “Selfish Night” and be done with it. The past month or so, I’ve just kind of taken the attitude that I’m going to do what I want to do (go to a movie, go to happy hour, do errands, sit on my ass and drink beer and stare at a wall, whatever). And if it’s appropriate, you are more than welcome to join in. But if it’s a movie, I’m seeing what I want to see, when I want to see it, where I want to see it. I’m not taking second opinions. If I want to eat before hand, I will eat real food, with a real table. Movie theater hot dog and Raisinets will not cut it. But if I want a hot dog and Raisinets, I will do that too. If you want to come along while I do errands, you’re welcome to tag along. I’m hella fun while I’m doing errands. But you’ll need to stay with the group. I’ve got things to do, places to be. You are not invited to drink beer with me and stare at the wall. That’s kind of a one woman operation. Chitty chatty gets in my way. Think of it as meditation. With beer.

Yes, uncompromising. Yes, arrogant. Yes, not very friendly. Not very nice. Don’t care. Every other day of the week, I’m willing to compromise. I want to go to Tuesday Morning, you want to go to the mall. Fine. It’s shopping. I dig it. I want a hamburger, you want vegan from the raw food restaurant. Ick. But okay. I get fed either way. I’ll make adjustments, bend, allow mob rule to reign. Your opinion matters, and I care deeply that you are happy and having a good time. On Saturday. Or Sunday. Or just about any other day . . .

But for right now, Friday night is “Selfish Night”. If you don’t like what I’m doing, you can go have your own Selfish Night. I recommend it. And maybe I’ll get tired of doing my own thing, and want to rejoin the tribe on Fridays. I hope you’ll have me back. But for right now, Friday night is “Selfish Night”.


WashingtonGardener said...

Everyone needs some "me time" and clearly defined boundaries - I'm all for it.

FirePhrase said...

And for some reason it feels all bad girl to just do what I want. Even better.

glorm said...

If I let you pick the food and pick the movie, will you buy my ticket?

FirePhrase said...

Nope. Selfish Day. I might let you have some of my popcorn. But I would count on it.

momo said...

LOL, think my date is canceling tonight and was thinking of going to Crazy Heart by myself ... and then I saw your post on F.B. great minds, ha!

FirePhrase said...

Well, if your great mind wants to join my great mind, just holla and I'll give you my flight plan.

TIME: Quotes of the Day