Thursday, November 19, 2009

Guess it was too much to hope

So, my niece tells me that even the rap and hip hop kids are wearing the skinny jeans that the emo kids wear.

At last! Something that kills the dropped pants phenomenon. Finally, finally, these kids won't look like imminent threat of a full moon siting. What's it been 15 years?

"Hallelujah. At least now they won't be walking around with their pants hanging half off their butts any more."

She just looks at me and slowly shakes her head.



WashingtonGardener said...

now can we get rid of male skorts too?!!

FirePhrase said...

No. They'll probably just wear jeggings under them. I've just been informed that jeggings are jeans so tight they look like leggings. And ruin any chance of having offspring as well. Actually. Maybe we should really encourage this skinny jeans thing.

WashingtonGardener said...
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WashingtonGardener said...

I've been seeing jeggings around - a look ONLY for the young & prepubescent.

FirePhrase said...

I remember when guys used to do anything possible to not look anything like a 98 pound weakling. Jeggings say nothing but chicken legs to me.

TIME: Quotes of the Day