Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Really. Why can't we all just get along?

Wow. I guess the atheists have really come out swinging. Have you seen the “You know it’s a myth?” billboards from the American Atheists? Yikes, guys.

I think this is why, as an agnostic, I really hate being lumped in with the atheists. On the one hand, agnostics and atheists are pretty much in the same foxhole, being so completely outside the mainstream. But on the other hand, I would never, never stomp on someone else’s belief system. [And by the way, my atheist brothers and sisters, since logically one cannot prove a negative (fact – look it up), you are actually relying on faith in your beliefs; which would make you . . . wait for it . . . a faith-based organization; yeah, get over it. Here endeth the lesson.] Whether it’s God, Allah, Buddah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the complete lack of divinity, I’m cool with it. Go and do no harm.

And just from the perspective on an agnostic who is culturally Christian if not spiritually, could we maybe make the season about tolerance? Look at how many religions have their holidays at the same time. Isn't it wonderful? And wouldn't it be wonderful if this could be something that unites, rather than turning into some sort of holiday territory war. As we each go about celebrating in our own ways, we can share a season of peace, abundance and joy, and goodwill to all?

Happy holidays, everybody.


glorm said...

Well put.

You will never convince the very ones who need convincing, which is unfortunate.

FirePhrase said...

Yeah, I know. And I'm going to hope that they have a happy whatever-it-is-they-celebrate too.

WashingtonGardener said...

stunts like this just re-affirm eveyone's impression of aethiests as sour, mean, vicious killjoys

whatever happened to basic respect for others or just simple live and let live?

TIME: Quotes of the Day