Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The blue ones make you small

Okay. I’m on the verge of going a little overboard on the supplements. On the verge. Not quite over the rail, but I can smell the saltwater from here. I don’t know. It’s part of the healthy living thing. Though according to the internet today, all I have to do is eat a few pieces of fruit, not get hammered every day of the week, not smoke and run around the block a few times and I’ll be fine. So the drinking more water, eating more fiber and generally trying to cut the caca out of my diet may have just been overachieving. So adding in health supplements is probably just brown-nosing the health gods.

Right now, I’m doing saw palmetto (PMS), milk thistle (anti-inflammatory), evening primrose (cholesterol), CoQ10 (heart health), mint tea (also anti-inflammatory), cinnamon tea (blood sugar), blackstrap molasses (iron – regular supplements make me sick to my stomach – and it’s rumored to help with stopping gray hair – meh, worth a shot), and the occasional vitamin C bomb if I’ve got the sniffles. Now I’ve added in fish oil for the Omega 3s, because, evidently, it’s good for everything that could possibly ail you. Gimme the big bottle.

I’m very careful about not taking mega-doses of anything, and I avoid anything that has known negative interactions. All doctor-approved (if “guess it couldn’t hurt” qualifies as approval). But I’ve become something of a magpie when it comes to these things. It’s quite the little kick-line of bottles I’ve got going on. When did I get to be such a freaking hippie? I used to be such a skeptic. Now you wave any study in my face, or even just some web-article by some unshaved, organic hemp-wearing Wiccan, and I’m buying a bottle of whatever. Kind of embarrassing. Especially when somebody sees me doling out the pills to pop. I even had to go to a breakfast and lunch plan. Just because the thought of that many pills floating in my stomach ooked me out.

You know, my grandparents warned me. You get older and you’re eating more pills than actual food. I now understand why they have such a thing about pill organizers. I’ve been eye-balling one at the target that has the days of the week and morning and afternoon slots. Very fancy. But that’s for when I actually put on my swimmies and go completely overboard.


victory4angela said...

I caved and bought a pill organizer to keep all my drugs in order during my chemo days. I still use it for all vitamins and supplments, but I do feel like a little old lady!

FirePhrase said...

There really is no such thing as a cool pill sorter, is there? It's like cool support hose - not going to happen.

WashingtonGardener said...

I gave one of my editorial assistants at my old job a designer pill case - Coach and others make them - she loved it. If you want to splurge, you can. PS I think i may have a pill sorter or two that I never used leftover from a nurses' association days - why they though LPNs would want these in their conference goody bags is beyond me, you'd think nurses would be the last people on earth to want or need one (I'll bring it to you when I go to TX in Sept).

FirePhrase said...

Right on!

TIME: Quotes of the Day