Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The long and short of it.

Well, I've made a decision. I'm going to recession proof my head. I enjoy my short hair, but I just can't front the every-six-weeks haircuts. Short hair is a commitment. Otherwise you start looking kinda fruzzy. Or at least I do.

I feel kinda bad for the hairdressers who depend on customers. But I'm probably in the minority in Dallas. Most women here would rather cut back on other luxuries, like food and oil changes, than their hair appointments. If you start seeing Dallas women with home perms and DIY highlights you know we are in the middle of an economic apocalypse.

But I've done the low cost hair before. When I worked at a company that shall remain nameless and without honor, I went 3 years without a real haircut. Thank the follicle gods that my hair grows at a snail's pace. And I've given myself bangs-trims that don't completely scream "Mommy, look what I did with the scissors!" Unfortunately, I have a very noble forehead (or fivehead), and I can't do without the bangs. The only thing I can't really cut out without major consequences is coloring my hair. Those ding-dong-damn grays keep coming back, even though I've threatened them with toxic vengeance. Stubborn little bastards. I'd be willing to go bald, and avoid the whole mess, if only I had a nicely shaped dome. I'm kinda lumpy in the skull (go figure), and I can't pull off the Sinead. Sigh.

So, this last weekend was the first time I've been able to pull everything back in a ponytail. A stumpy, meager ponytail, but out of my face, nonetheless. Hopefully, the economy will turn around and I can once again be short and sassy.


momo said...

I can easily forgo the haircut (I suck at styling anyway) it is the coloring thing that is getting harder and harder to prolong (highly noticeable when the gray shows through the brunette).

FirePhrase said...

That is where the dishwater hair comes in handy. I can squeak another week or two of of a color job. I'm wondering about those little wands that look like mascara, but do a temp color. Very intriguing.

victory4angela said...

I was worried when my hair finally grew back in that I'd be mostly grey (since I had a couple before). I was lucky for a while, but I saw my first grey hair post-chemo a few weeks ago. Time to break out the color!

FirePhrase said...

Mine used to be fairly localized. But every year or so I see a new area where they're congregating. They try to sneak up on my, but I just napalm them with L'Oreal. Take that you nasty little bastards!

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