Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Up and At 'em, Atom Ant!

This morning, as I hauled my unwilling carcass out of bed, I realized that this is how I’ve started nearly every day for almost 40 years. Barring sick days and hiding from the world days, that adds up to around 14,000 times I’ve had to get up out of bed in the morning. I find that very depressing.

Because I hate getting out of bed. Early or late, rain or shine, hot or cold. The act of throwing back the covers and putting my feet on the floor is just bloody unpleasant. And that’s how you have to start every day. Sigh. And unless I start sleeping suspended upside down in the closet, I don’t see any way around it. Because, even when you try to avoid it, you do have to get up and out some time. If nothing else, a urinary imperative will eventually force the issue.

Really, the only true way to change it is to do something very Zig Zigler and change my attitude about getting out of bed. Be positive about starting the day, and throw back the blankets and greet the day with a smile and a hearty howdy-do! I don’t really see that happening. And unfortunately, I’ve never been able to convince people that I’m the reincarnation of Louis XIV and as the reigning Sun Queen, I should be allowed to conduct business from my boudoir. People just refuse to be my courtiers. So not fair.

I don’t know whose idea this starting the day with the rise and shine business was. But it’s just not working for me. Though I guess it’s better than the alternative. Just.


WashingtonGardener said...

Yes, I think you and I belong in a Victorian uppercrust household were we are gently awoken by a maid drawing back the drapes justa wee bit and bringing our first cup of hot choc for the day, followed by some tea and toast an hour later, then our paper and correspondence - then heatier fare -- and then MAYBE we are able to get up and out and face the world.

FirePhrase said...

Or maybe become a vampire. But somehow I think throwing open the lid and jumping out of the coffin at the crack of dusk must be just as awful.

But that bringing me hot chocolate in bed thing definitely has appeal.

WashingtonGardener said...

Ooops meant REgency lasdy not Victorian - anyway, Vampire MIGHT work int that with no body heat and sleeping in the cold dirt there really is NO incentive to stay there all night - not exactly warm and cozy!

FirePhrase said...

I think I could pull off the Regency empire waist a lot better than the Victorian corset, so lets go with that.

And I'm going to avert my eyes from the fact that you just disparaged dirt. What would your peeps say?

WashingtonGardener said...

I think even they would not want to lay in a dark pit of it at 3:00am -- might cold and lonely. Though I think I'd dig that earthy smell.

TIME: Quotes of the Day