Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bits 'n' Pieces

Warning: do not click on the link if you are delicate about the discussion of a woman's lady-business. Seriously.,8599,1859937,00.html

Okay. This article just walks the line between making me giggle nervously and being completely ooked out. Women really go out and get their cooches rebuilt. Wow. I don't even like the idea of a scalpel being in the same room with my lady parts. And that part about getting your G-spot "enhanced" with collagen. How exactly does the collagen get applied? A needle? Ah, hell no. Not happening.

I just don't get it. Don't women have enough things to get insecure about? They have to add in a part of their body that, statistically speaking, very few people will ever even see. Assuming you're not in certain professions. I can understand the part about getting things, um, rearranged, if it's actually causing discomfort. But just for looks? I mean, how often does someone stand in a line up, so that comparisons can be drawn? In my experience, not often. And people who actually take pictures of their bits and send them to a website asking for criticism? I can't even process a response to that. "Oh, no, girl. Yours are cute. Look at mine."

Some days, I think we've come a long way, baby. Some days I just think we're wandering around without a clue.


Desiree' said...

Excuse my language, but are you shitting me? That is absolutely ridiculous. What is wrong with America today? I really don't believe in plastic surgery for anything cosmetic, but this is just crossing the line.

FirePhrase said...

I know. Jacked up, right? This is right up there in the self-hatred stakes with Michael Jackson changing his skin color. I can't even imagine what my college Women's Studies professor would say about this.

And haven't I donated money to causes to stop this kind of thing happening in Africa?

WashingtonGardener said...

On the Margaret Cho show she wanted to get her mojo back so she got that G-spot injection - I was like "Yikes" - but she is a tough girl and with all her tats, I think it was not too bad for her -- afterwards she said she could "fee: it but it didn't do much for her.

As to the out-right surgery - WHO determines what a pretty one is? I mean really - they go in the same category as feet and ears - be happy you got 'em and don't stare too close.

FirePhrase said...

The idea of a needle anywhere in the vicinity of my lady business just gives me the huhs.

And does anybody have anything that looks like a box of puppies down there? Male or female.

momo said...

I saw one of those extreme makeover shows a while ago where this married woman had everything redone including a vag rejuv. First time I had ever heard of it ... freaky! Anyway, re: the g-spot thing, think it would be more fun -- and cheaper -- just to find the right guy with the right moves!

FirePhrase said...

No lie. And any guy who objects to the way yours looks should be struck from the guest list.

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