Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Catvis has left the building

That's right. The Mitzi is gone. My dad called to tell me he was collecting Her Highness from my place and returning her from whence she came. Pardon me a moment:

Happy dance! Cha cha cha! Happy dance! Spin, dip, whirl, cha cha cha! Happy dance! Big finish - tappity, tappity, spin, kick, down on one knee, ta daaaaaa! Jazz hands!

I love that cat. I really do. Like a niece. A niece that needs pack up her little pink suitcase and go home to her mama. It's no secret. I'm not a pet person. I'm not a people person either, so it's nothing personal. And cat's are just like children. Feed me. Water me. Pay attention to me. Let me sleep in the house. On and on and on. I'm just not equipped to deal with that.

Last night, I came home with the Bitch Mother of All Headaches. Like someone had split my head open and was waving a teaspoon around in it's contents. All I wanted to do was pass out in peace. To which the cat's responce was jump on my bed, lay next to my head and groom herself. Lick, lick, lick, chew, lick, chew, lick, lick, rub, lick, rub, pause to roll over, lick the naughty bits. "Please stop. You're killlllllllinng meeee!" But you can't reason with a cat. If grooming needs to be done, done it shall be. With no deference paid to splitting heads, or whining humans.

Am I glad the cat has left? Yeah, frankly. Will I be happy to see her again? Oh, definitely. Will she be welcome to come for a visit at some time in the indeterminate future? Sure you bet. But tonight, I sleep the sleep of the cat-free. Ahhh. Bliss.


Desiree' said...

What are you going to do with all your new found freedom? We will miss the Mitzi related blogs though.

FirePhrase said...

The first thing I'm going to do with my freedom is spend about a week sweeping up cat hair. Mitzirella left plenty to remember her by.

WashingtonGardener said...

I hope you kept that hair - I know you will miss Mitzi SOOOOOO much - you can make it into a Mitzi pillow to hug as you weep yourself to sleep ;-)

FirePhrase said...

I've got about 85% of the hair cleaned up, I think. There still seems to be some floating in the stairwell, which was her favorite hangout since she could look down on everything from the landing.

I'm sure I'll miss her when it gets cold this winter. Nothing like a warm cat to beat the electric bill.

TIME: Quotes of the Day