Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Not MY Parents

Okay, I've been seeing the commercials for the summer series Swingtown on CBS. Evidently it takes place in 1976, and is about a couple that moves to a cul-de in the burbs where they find wild and crazy '70s phenomena like open marriages, swinging and key parties. Call me Prudy, but I just don't think that kind of thing should be on TV. Not because it's sex and "dirty". (I'm all about that.) The Swining 70s are just kind of a gross subject.

Cause, let's do the math. Young adults. In 1976. They're talking about my generation's parents. eeeeewwwww! Okay. And I know it wasn't my parents. And I'm sure it wasn't your parents either. But we are all going to say that. And it did happen. It was somebody's parents getting freaky with the neighbors on the shag carpet down in the rumpus room under the lava lamp and the macrame owl while the Starland Vocal Band played on. Uh huh. Ew.

And it's not just that it was our parents. It's our generation's kids' grandparents. Their Grampy and Grammy getting naked in the hot tub with a glass of sangria and Mr. and Mrs. Applebaum. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggghh! CBS needs to take this filth off the air immediately. For the sake of the kids.


Desiree' said...

I was 3 at the time. And I would not be surprised at all if my parents were somehow involved. (Don't tell them I said that!) It's just that my parents were big time hippies. Before I was born, they lived in the French Quarter of New Orleans and sold underground newspapers. And my dad has already admitted that that was a time of much drug use for him. I even remember once as a child when some of their friends came over and brought a bong. I didn't know what it was then, but I really remember what it looked like because it was so weird to me. Then they sent us to bed early. Hmmm....

FirePhrase said...

Was that your parents in the Joy of Sex? I remember very clearly when I was at a sleep over as a kid and the birhtday girl brought out her parents' copy. There were some illustrations of very happy hippies in that book.

Underground paper on New Orleans? So cool!

Desiree' said...

They did have a copy of it! lol

momo said...

Somehow this strikes me as so wrong. What is CBS thinking? Do we really have to document everything from the 70s? Some things are better left to the imagination -- or not!

FirePhrase said...

Yeah, I know. Shag carpet and macrame owls on TV. So scary.

Oh, wait. You meant the wife swapping didn't you? Yeah. I keep wondering how they are getting this past the Parents Television Council, or Television Watch, or Smut Snatchers, or whatever watchdog is supposed to be looking out for this kind of thing on prime time tv these days.

WashingtonGardener said...

I am SO into the 70s - so what if it comes with some icky sex situations? I need my fix of funky fashions and flipped/feathered dos.

WashingtonGardener said...

I watched and LOVED it - more than I could've ever hoped for - my summer of 2008 is going to remembered as the "sultry Swingtown sizzler"

FirePhrase said...

Really? I didn't catch it because it just looked like a stinker. Well, bummer.

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