Monday, February 15, 2010

Is it Liberatus Day again?

Ah, another Liberatus Day. The happy holiday for singles. The holiday that says, thank the baby Jesus that all those couples holidays are over. No more gag-worthy diamond commercials.

And I think I'm most happy that the cult of Romantic Love takes a break for awhile. I get that the couple squishies are great. And I know it sounds bitter and old maidish. I just get tired that the love that I feel for my family and friends is de-legitimized because I don't have a "the One". Sad. Tant pis. Boo hoo. Poor me. But thank you. I am fine. Leave me alone, And no, I don't want to "flirt" on FaceBook. I'm happy! Really! See? Smiling! Happy! Buzz off!

Sorry, I've just got a little rage built up. Happens every Liberatus Day.

For all my single friends, bless your hearts and stand proud! For all my married friends, sorry, the reign of terror had to end. There will be more diamond commercials by next Thanksgiving.


WashingtonGardener said...

We need to come up with the equivalent for "Bah Humbug" for V-Day.
I'm sure couples deeply in love were sick of those annoying-ass commercials too. I know if I was a guy those diamond commercials could be really grinding on your ego.

FirePhrase said...

Aren't those diamond commercials the male equivalent of staring at a woman's chest? They're very objectifying.

Bah-Humbug equivalent? I like it. Put your thinking cap on!

victory4angela said...

As a married person, I get annoyed at those diamond commercials too. Aren't we in a recession? Why do those commericals make men (women too) feel that in order to prove their love, they must buy a Jane Seymour open heart love necklace?

Plus those commercials are so hokey and bad - at least make them funny.

FirePhrase said...

Funny, touching, romantic. Anything but blatantly manipulative. Of course, I also think Nicholas Sparks and Robert James Waller should be on the banned books list.

But so many people buy into it. It's just mystifying.

victory4angela said...

I'm so with you on Nicholas Sparks. I read the Bridges of Madison Co. and was annoyed the whole time. Never again. Then again, I HATE treacle. Blech

FirePhrase said...

I double hate it that most of Sparks stuff takes place in the Outer Banks - one of my favorite places in the world. I'd love to read about stories in the area, but you are so right, blech.

TIME: Quotes of the Day